Erika Vogt, Stranger Debris Roll Roll Roll, 2013 (still). Multi-channel video, sound, color. Courtesy the artist and Overduin and Co., Los Angeles

Erika Vogt uses a range of media and techniques to explore the mutability of images and objects. Within her installations, she fuses elements of sculpture, drawing, video, and photography to produce multilayered image spaces. She challenges prescribed art-making systems, conflating and confusing their logic as sculptures take on the properties of drawing and photographs take on the nature of film. Building on her background in experimental filmmaking, Vogt’s visually dense videos combine both still and moving images, digital and analog technologies, and playfully incorporate drawings and objects from her previous projects. For her New Museum exhibition “Stranger Debris Roll Roll Roll” (2013), Vogt took as her subject the ritual use and exchange of objects, such as currency, and investigated the empathetic relationship between objects and people.